Possums are having a moment, if you haven't noticed. It seems that people are finally appreciating these weird little marsupials. What's better than a possum? A BABY Possum. So cute. So fetch. Oops, no one says fetch. Anyway, these cuties will look amazing hanging from their tails off of your ears.
Like their older siblings, these baby possum earrings are made from black and white acrylic.
Each earring has been engraved on both sides so they will always show the "right side."
The baby possum earrings come in large and small, with small measuring about 3 inches from the top of the ear wire to the bottom of the earring, and the large measuring about 4 inches.
Despite their size, they are very lightweight.
The ear wires and jump rings are sterling silver-filled, so they're safe for most people with sensitive skin.